Monday, March 1, 2010

On having your mind blown...

You know how every now and then you learn something new that apparently everyone else already knows? It's like you missed that day of school or something. Bewildered, you sit with the feeling that the lights are on, but nobody's home.

My brilliant friend from high school, Megan, just passed the New York bar. Yet, it is only in the last few days that she learned that the phrase, "For all intents and purposes," was not said, "For all intensive purposes."

See what I mean? I love things like this. They don't speak to anyone's intelligence but rather, offer an honest glimpse at a person who just so happened to miss a random piece of information.

Now its my turn. Last night, I am plopped on my keister at my Aunt's house when this really old guy pops on the screen. He starts going off about the census report, making sarcastic remarks about the family politics involved in choosing "Person Number 1" and "Person Number 2." It was like he was promoting the importance of the Census, but also making fun of it. It was brilliant. I was perplexed.

Everyone else in the room was sort of watching with a familiar smirk that I could only recognize as the look of people enjoying something they had seen before. I knew my dunce moment was impending.

Alas, despite watching 60 Minutes for years (but apparently not finishing), it turns out I am the only human being in the Western Hemisphere who didn't know who Andy Rooney was.

We are going to excuse the fact that I showed up late to this party and just be glad I showed up at all.