Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Friends are Geniuses

So I was surfing today and he did a post on our friend Adam Harvey! Adam is the significant other of our dear friend Heather Knight, who is a smokin' hot social roboticist, artist, and current employee of Jet Propulsion Lab in Los Angeles.

Adam invented a purse that flashes when it senses other camera flashes (using technology that cameras with flashes already use), thus destroying paparazzi photos. It has been getting more and more press lately, and this morning, the Queen of All Media himself gave a shout out.

Check out the Perez post here

Why can't I think of this shit? Best I'll ever do is come up with an insurance policy, um, offers some really good coverage? Damn.

Speaking of other genius things I wish I had thought of, Harry Potter was absolutely, #$@#! amazing. Best one so far. The actors have finally rose to the occasion and for the first time, become the Harry, Ron and Hermione I envision when reading my favorite books. What the hell am I gonna do until the 7th movie comes out?!?

Heather will probably put a robot on the moon by then.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter e il Principe Mezzosangue?

To commmemorate opening day for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I'm posting what is likely the greatest picture of Danny Celentano EVER.

Blog Faux pas?

Shit. Maybe I'm not that original after all.

Actually, I'm not original at all. Danny was the one who tried to help me come up with a name for my blog. He thought of Blog Cabin, and a few other honorable mentions:

1 - Blogwarts, which, despite the totally awesome Harry Potter reference, I neglected to choose because it sounds icky.

2 - Blogustus Gloop, which is genius, but might fly over the heads of those who do not immediately connect it with the beloved Willy Wonka character.

So, I decided on "Danielle's Blog Cabin."

I just found out "Blog Cabin" is being used. Adding insult to injury, I should point out that it is being shamelessy wasted by these clowns. Yes, the group comprised primarily of gay republicans (which is like saying evangelical democrat) decided to start a blog, and some clever jackass had to say, "Hey guys! How about...wait you're gonna love about...BLOG CABIN!" Probably got a friggin standing ovation.

Well, in the spirit of equal opportunity, this straight democrat is keeping her blog name for now.

Unless somebody comes up with something better.

If it take all night long...

Question: Danielle, how do I have fun in traffic on the way to work?

Answer: You don't. Traffic blows.

But if you want to prolong your inevitable trip to the loony-bin, listen to Sam Cooke. If I have any wisdom to share with you today, and I probably don't, this is it. I recommend Good Times

Whatever Milks the Money Cow

Natalie Portman Better Not Mess This Up

Check out that link. They're making a movie about everyone's FAVORITE Norse warrier, Thor! This means there will be like a two to three day window where my last name may actually almost maybe be cool.

Hey but check out the hot Australian dude playing the God of Thunder.

Yes Please. Two Please!